'Donated' Words Restore a Voice to Those Who Can't Speak

July 15, 2016
Jessie Levine smiles and shakes her head when she hears the outgoing voicemail message on her iPhone.
2 Min Read

In June 2016, Coca-Cola began testing Arctic Coke coolers in select Speedway Convenience Stores in Indianapolis. The cooler works with Coke, of course, but it can turn any drink into a slushy treat.
Charlie was presumed dead. Now he's having a bittersweet reunion with his owner, thanks to a microchip.
Kieserite is a mineral that is chemically known as magnesium sulfate monohydrate. Its presence on Mars suggests an ancient marine environment, in this footage from NASA/JPL/University of Arizona. (Video courtesy UAHiRISE)
July 30, 2019
The Washington Monument looked a little different this past weekend as crowds flocked to witness a spectacular light show in celebration of the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11.
1 Min Read
August 23, 2016
It's been just over a year since 9-year-old Zion Harvey received a double-hand transplant, and he said Tuesday what he really wants to do is play football.
1 Min Read
July 26, 2016
Solar-powered aircraft trip around the globe invites the world to reimagine what is possible with solar energy.
1 Min Read